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názov výstavy / the exhibition title: 
Will I Ever Look Into Your Eyes Again?
Tento playlist bol vytvorený ako sprievodný materiál k aktuálnej výstave v Šopa Gallery. Ako celok je inšpirovaný esej a na tomto mieste vychádza ako jeho online doplnok.
This playlist has been created as accompanying material for the current exhibition in Šopa Gallery. As a whole, it is inspired by the essay and at this point is published as its online complement. 
Playlist bol komponovaný kurátorom výstavy Erikom Vilímom.
The playlist has been composed by the curator of the exhibition,
Erik Vilím.
Ďakujeme všetkým, ktorí sa zastavia osobne v galérii Šopa alebo si vypočujú skladby!
Thanks to all who are going to drop in or listen to the tracks!


Výstavu si môžete
pozrieť do
The exhibition can
be viewed until
@paulamalinowska @katarínabajkayová  
guest: @barborahagara
sprievodné fotky / accompanying photos: @paulamalinowska @erikvilim @tiborczitó @leontínaberkova

the Old Story That 
Everyone Has Forgotten
FOR humans
Svätopluk Mikyta: Metamorphosis  Incantation, 2021 – 2022, carrarský mramor/carrara marble, cca/approx. 20 _ 20 cm, vo vlastníctve autora/courtesy of the artist,
miesto/venue: GMB
photo: still z diela / still from the artwork The Ballad of Waves That Rotated The Earth,archív / from the archive of Pauly Malinowskej, 2023 – 2024

Katarína Bajkayová, bez názvu, záber z výstavy: Will I Ever Look Into Your Eyes Again?, 2024, photo: @tibor.czito


Bali Ha'i will whisper on the wind of the sea
Here am I, your special island
Come to me, come to me
Your own special hopes, your own special dreams
Bloom on the hillside and shine in the stream

Peggy Lee –​ Bali Ha'i 



But love, love will tear us apart again
Love, love will tear us apart again

Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart

Love and reflection
Love is a gesture of substitution


You don't wanna hurt me
But see how deep the bullet lies


Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill

The exhibitions of this gallery are supported using public funding by the Slovak Arts Council.  


From the album The Unfinished Opera

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